One beautiful afternoon, I was at a restaurant overlooking the ocean with my husband and one of my dearest friends, when I received a phone call asking me to come to the breast center as soon as possible.
When I entered my doctor’s office; before I had a chance to sit in the waiting room, the physician assistant escorted me to an exam room. I immediately felt uneasy and overwhelmed. My doctor arrived just minutes later; she sat down and said, “You have breast cancer.”
The room went dark, my stomach sank to the floor, my whole body went numb. I was in total shock, I thought to myself, “This can’t be right; I must have heard it wrong.” I opened my eyes trying to get focus, with every ounce of energy I could muster, I repeated the dreaded words I thought I heard. She said, “Yes, Colleen, you have cancer..”. I felt I was sinking. I never felt so alone. I thought I was going to die.
I sat in disbelief for a few moments, then gathered my strength. I left the doctor’s office, got into my car, I sobbed and cried all the way to my parents’ house. I opened the car door . I took a deep breath, gained my composure…and said, “I'm going to have double mastectomy. Think positive. I'm not ready to die. I've got this!”
If you're a woman with cancer or a cancer survivor, we'd love to hear from you. What challenges and successes have you experienced on your journey? What inspiration would you like to share with those on the path behind you?
My name is Colleen, and I’m a Breast Cancer Survivor.
Encouraging Hope.
Several years ago, I was diagnosed with dense breast tissue. I quickly recognized the importance of yearly mammograms and scheduled each one without fail.
It was my last mammogram that my doctor identified an invasive lobular cancerous tumor on my left breast. My doctor recommended an MRI which then detected an invasive ductal cancer on my right breast.
Before my doctor even approached the topic, I knew I would have a double mastectomy. The choice was the right one for me With the help of my husband and mother, I began to research my options and what to expect. I found myself asking "Why is this happening to me?" I was confused, lost, and didn’t know where to find answers or the support I genuinely needed. I admit, I felt helpless at times, but thanks to my family and friends, I still had hope.
Embracing the Journey.
I felt I had only two choices. Sink or Swim, as the saying goes. I started swimming. I reached out and asked every woman I met, “Do you know anyone who has had cancer?” I found comfort through new contacts, personal stories, and answers to many of my questions. I surrounded myself with a new network of friends and resources I never thought I’d need, but now can’t imagine living without.
Two months following my diagnosis, I had my surgery. My doctors found that both cancers had doubled in size, one tumor had grown into my skin, and a third invasive ductal tumor had formed...three tumors, two types of cancer. Who knew that could happen?
A day after my surgery I received a call from a cancer organization asking me to participate in a cancer walk, but it was too soon. Due to complications, I was to remain in bed after my surgery. Even so, I was still hoping this would lead to a new friendship, but I never heard from her again.
I tried hard to keep my spirits high. I found myself facing new challenges in search of additional support.
Once my restrictions were reduced, I visited a cancer foundation for assistance. The people were nice but didn’t offer much support or guidance for women with early-stage cancer. I was shocked and highly disappointed. But I was also determined.
Like many women on this same journey, I yearned for a safe, positive, nurturing, all-encompassing environment where I could find companionship and hope. I wanted a place that offered activities I could physically tolerate and services that would help improve my quality of life. I couldn’t find one.
I started asking, "What is this teaching me?"
Engaging in Life.
As I lay in bed recovering, I researched, enrolled in online classes, became certified in Nonprofit Management, and reached out to my network of experience, strength, and hope to create that special place I so desperately needed. I founded Harbor Of Hope Women’s Cancer Foundation.
I formed this nonprofit with the promise to provide a Harbor Of Hope for women affected by early-stage cancer.
I hope you join me on my journey helping women with cancer find hope and companionship in a safe comfortable environment.
– Colleen Woolley , Founder
Harbor Of Hope Women’s Cancer Foundation
Encourage. Embrace. Engage.
Once, I replaced the question,
"Why is this happening to me?" with "What is this teaching me?"
Everything changed.
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